POST api/data/UpdateMasterProfile
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
ProfileModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ParentID | string |
None. |
UserID | string |
None. |
Name | string |
None. |
firmName | string |
None. |
Mobile | string |
Required Data type: PhoneNumber |
PINCode | string |
Required Data type: PostalCode |
string |
Data type: EmailAddress |
Address | string |
None. |
District | string |
None. |
DistrictID | integer |
None. |
State | string |
None. |
StateID | integer |
None. |
Cityname | string |
None. |
currentcr | decimal number |
None. |
currentPosamount | decimal number |
None. |
Aadhar | string |
None. |
registrationno | string |
None. |
totalholdamount | decimal number |
None. |
PAN | string |
None. |
GST | string |
None. |
Status | string |
None. |
MoneySts | boolean |
None. |
RemainAmt | decimal number |
None. |
Bankaccountno | string |
None. |
accountholder | string |
None. |
Ifsccode | string |
None. |
bankname | string |
None. |
bankAddress | string |
None. |
JoinDate | date |
None. |
dob | string |
None. |
pancardPath | string |
None. |
aadharcardPath | string |
None. |
aadharcardBacksidePath | string |
None. |
Registractioncertificatepath | string |
None. |
serviceagreementpath | string |
None. |
AddressProofpath | string |
None. |
Iserviceagreementtatus | boolean |
None. |
Password | string |
Required Data type: Password String length: inclusive between 6 and 100 |
PIN | string |
Required String length: inclusive between 4 and 100 |
Photo | string |
None. |
chkpanpath | string |
None. |
chkaadharfront | string |
None. |
chkaadharback | string |
None. |
aadharsts | string |
None. |
pancardsts | string |
None. |
PSAStatus | string |
None. |
videokycstatus | string |
None. |
videokycpath | string |
None. |
chkRegistractioncertificatepath | string |
None. |
chkserviceagreementpath | string |
None. |
chkAddressProofpath | string |
None. |
ShopwithSalfie | string |
None. |
chkShopwithSalfie | string |
None. |
ShopwithSalfieStatus | string |
None. |
BusinessType | string |
None. |
BusinessTypeCode | string |
None. |
ReferrelCode | string |
None. |
value1 | string |
None. |
value2 | string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "ParentID": "sample string 1", "UserID": "sample string 2", "Name": "sample string 3", "firmName": "sample string 4", "Mobile": "sample string 5", "PINCode": "sample string 6", "Email": "sample string 7", "Address": "sample string 8", "District": "sample string 9", "DistrictID": 1, "State": "sample string 10", "StateID": 1, "Cityname": "sample string 11", "currentcr": 1.0, "currentPosamount": 1.0, "Aadhar": "sample string 12", "registrationno": "sample string 13", "totalholdamount": 1.0, "PAN": "sample string 14", "GST": "sample string 15", "Status": "sample string 16", "MoneySts": true, "RemainAmt": 1.0, "Bankaccountno": "sample string 17", "accountholder": "sample string 18", "Ifsccode": "sample string 19", "bankname": "sample string 20", "bankAddress": "sample string 21", "JoinDate": "2024-12-26T18:25:35.8583785+05:30", "dob": "sample string 22", "pancardPath": "sample string 23", "aadharcardPath": "sample string 24", "aadharcardBacksidePath": "sample string 25", "Registractioncertificatepath": "sample string 26", "serviceagreementpath": "sample string 27", "AddressProofpath": "sample string 28", "Iserviceagreementtatus": true, "Password": "sample string 29", "PIN": "sample string 30", "Photo": "sample string 31", "chkpanpath": "sample string 32", "chkaadharfront": "sample string 33", "chkaadharback": "sample string 34", "aadharsts": "sample string 35", "pancardsts": "sample string 36", "PSAStatus": "sample string 37", "videokycstatus": "sample string 38", "videokycpath": "sample string 39", "chkRegistractioncertificatepath": "sample string 40", "chkserviceagreementpath": "sample string 41", "chkAddressProofpath": "sample string 42", "ShopwithSalfie": "sample string 43", "chkShopwithSalfie": "sample string 44", "ShopwithSalfieStatus": "sample string 45", "BusinessType": "sample string 46", "BusinessTypeCode": "sample string 47", "ReferrelCode": "sample string 48", "value1": "sample string 49", "value2": "sample string 50" }
application/xml, text/xml
<ProfileModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Aadhar>sample string 12</Aadhar> <Address>sample string 8</Address> <AddressProofpath>sample string 28</AddressProofpath> <Bankaccountno>sample string 17</Bankaccountno> <BusinessType>sample string 46</BusinessType> <BusinessTypeCode>sample string 47</BusinessTypeCode> <Cityname>sample string 11</Cityname> <District>sample string 9</District> <DistrictID>1</DistrictID> <Email>sample string 7</Email> <GST>sample string 15</GST> <Ifsccode>sample string 19</Ifsccode> <Iserviceagreementtatus>true</Iserviceagreementtatus> <JoinDate>2024-12-26T18:25:35.8583785+05:30</JoinDate> <Mobile>sample string 5</Mobile> <MoneySts>true</MoneySts> <Name>sample string 3</Name> <PAN>sample string 14</PAN> <PIN>sample string 30</PIN> <PINCode>sample string 6</PINCode> <PSAStatus>sample string 37</PSAStatus> <ParentID>sample string 1</ParentID> <Password>sample string 29</Password> <Photo>sample string 31</Photo> <ReferrelCode>sample string 48</ReferrelCode> <Registractioncertificatepath>sample string 26</Registractioncertificatepath> <RemainAmt>1</RemainAmt> <ShopwithSalfie>sample string 43</ShopwithSalfie> <ShopwithSalfieStatus>sample string 45</ShopwithSalfieStatus> <State>sample string 10</State> <StateID>1</StateID> <Status>sample string 16</Status> <UserID>sample string 2</UserID> <aadharcardBacksidePath>sample string 25</aadharcardBacksidePath> <aadharcardPath>sample string 24</aadharcardPath> <aadharsts>sample string 35</aadharsts> <accountholder>sample string 18</accountholder> <bankAddress>sample string 21</bankAddress> <bankname>sample string 20</bankname> <chkAddressProofpath>sample string 42</chkAddressProofpath> <chkRegistractioncertificatepath>sample string 40</chkRegistractioncertificatepath> <chkShopwithSalfie>sample string 44</chkShopwithSalfie> <chkaadharback>sample string 34</chkaadharback> <chkaadharfront>sample string 33</chkaadharfront> <chkpanpath>sample string 32</chkpanpath> <chkserviceagreementpath>sample string 41</chkserviceagreementpath> <currentPosamount>1</currentPosamount> <currentcr>1</currentcr> <dob>sample string 22</dob> <firmName>sample string 4</firmName> <pancardPath>sample string 23</pancardPath> <pancardsts>sample string 36</pancardsts> <registrationno>sample string 13</registrationno> <serviceagreementpath>sample string 27</serviceagreementpath> <totalholdamount>1</totalholdamount> <value1>sample string 49</value1> <value2>sample string 50</value2> <videokycpath>sample string 39</videokycpath> <videokycstatus>sample string 38</videokycstatus> </ProfileModel>
Response Information
Resource Description
Response Formats
application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
Sample not available.